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Binary distributions of InterClient version 1.6. The Windows/NT version is a self-installing archive, the Linux and Solaris versions are gzipped tar files.

Source code releases of versions 1.6 and 2.0 of InterClient. (Version 2.0 is not yet finished, and therefore is offered only as a source distribution.) For each version, the .tar.gz file is a gzipped tar archive intended for Unix users, and the .zip file is a WinZIP archive intended for Windows users. The contents differ only in that lines are ended with a single linefeed character in the .tar.gz files, and with a carriage-return followed by a linefeed in the .zip file.

Source code release of InterBase Express or IBX. Binaries are delivered with Delphi and C++ Builder, and are only useful with one or the other of those products. The source code is released here:

Windows binary distributions of InterBase 6.0. The "server" kit contains everything, while the "client" kit only contains the client code.

This is the Solaris binary package release of InterBase 6.0, providing client and server functionality. It is certified for Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 7 on Sparc systems.

These are the binary distributions for Linux: CS designates a Classic Server kit (one process per connected client), while SS designates a SuperServer kit (a single server process, with multiple threads serving multiple users).

The .pkg file is for Cobalt systems, the *.rpm files are for RedHat Linux and for other Linux distributions which have adopted the RedHat Package Manager format, and the .tar.gz files is available for other Linux distributions which do not use RPM format.

The Classic kit is certified for RedHat version 6.0 and above, but the SuperServer kit requires at least RedHat 6.1, due to bugs in the thread implementation of RH 6.0.

Here are the source releases of InterBase 6.0 and associated tools. As above, the .ZIP files have carriage-return+linefeed for Windows use, and the tar.gz files have just a linefeed, as expected by Unix users. The ib60src.* files contain a snapshot of the InterBase project on our CVS server, and contains source code for everything contained in the binary distributions above except IBConsole. Since IBConsole is written in Delphi and thus only available for Windows (at this time: Kylix should make it possible to build IBConsole on Linux), we have only supplied a Windows ZIP file of the IBConsole source code.

The ib_tools_src.* file contain the source code for marion, a source code control system which stores the source code in an InterBase database.

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